Natural benefits, food value and curative value of vegetables are so many.we  must know this  for a better life.

Natural Benefits of vegetables

To get maximum benefits of their nutrient, vegetable shoud be consumed fresh as far as possible. Most vegetables are best consumed in their natural raw state in the form of salads. An important consideration in making salads is that the vegetables should be fresh, crisp and completely dry. If vegetables have to be cooked, it should be ensured that their nutritive value is preserved to the maximum extent possible The following hints will be useful in achieving this:

  1. The vegetables, after thorough wash, should be cut into as large pieces as possible.
  2. The cut pieces should be added to water which has been brought to boiling point and to which salt has been added. This is necessary to avoid loss of B-complex vitamins and vitamin C.
  3. Only bare minimum water necessary to cover vegetables should be used. Spinach and other tender greens need no water.
  4. Vegetables should not be exposed to atmospheric air They should be covered tightly while cooking.
  5. They should be cooked for as short a time as possible. They should be cooked till they are just soft to the touch .
  6. They should be served hot. 

    Food Value of vegetables

    Vegetables are valuable in maintaining alkaline reserve in the body. They are valued mainly for their high vitamin and mineral contents. Vitamins A, Band C are contained in vegetables in fair amounts. Faulty cooking and prolonged careless storage can, however, destroy these valuable   elememt                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             Vitamins                                                                     Many vegetables contain a substance known as carotene which is converted into vitamin A in the body. Vitamin A is essential for normal growth and vitality, for good eye sight and healthy skin and for protection against diseases, especially of the respiratory tract. A deficiency of this vitamin can lead to eye infection, poor vision, night blindness, frequent colds, lack of appetite and skin disorders. Generally, deep green yellow and orange colored vegetables such as green leafy vegetables, carrots, papaya tomatoes and yellow pumpkin are rich sources of carotene.
    Several leafy vegetables like  turnip greens and beet green contain riboflavin, a member of the vitamin B-complex This vitamin is essential for growth and general health, of eyes, skin, nails and hair.Without taking vegetables our normal growth will be hamper.(Here i  add a photo of a girl who have nutritional deficiency.)                                                                                A deficiency can lead to cracking of the angles of the mouth, premature wrinkles and eczema.
    Vitamin C is contained in good amounts in several vegetables such as Indian gooseberry, bitter gourd, tomatoes and leafy vegetables like spinach, cabbage and drumstick leaves. Generally, fresh vegetables are better sources of vitamin C than dried, stale or withered ones. Vitamin C is essential for normal growth and maintenance of body tissues, especially those of the joints, bones, teeth and gums and for protection against infection. A deficiency of this vitamin can lead to scurvy, tooth decay, bleeding gums, anemia and premature ageing.                                                              Minerals                                                                                                                                                                           The highly soluble minerals like calcium, phosphorus, iron, magnesium, copper, and potassium contained in the vegetables maintain the acid base balance of the hydrogen concentration of the body tissues. They help the complete absorption of vitamins, proteins, fats and carbohydrates of the food. They also help the body to eliminate excess of liquid and salt. The diuretic action of vegetables like potato, beans, spinach, radish, turnip and brinjal are specially important in cases of oedema or swellings, kidney and heart conditions.
    Two important minerals, calcium and iron, found in vegetables are specially useful. Calcium is essential for strong bones and teeth. Iron is needed for blood formation. It is an essential constituent of hemoglobin, which helps to carry oxygen to the cells in the various parts of the body. Calcium and iron can be obtained in plenty from leafy vegetables like spinach and fenugreek leaves. Carrot, bitter gourd, onions and tomatoes are also fair sources of iron

    Curative Value of vegetables

    Vegetables contain various medicinal and therapeutic agents. There are a large array of laxatives, sedatives and soporifics or sleep inducing in the vegetable kingdom. Vegetables like. onion, radish and celery exercise a tonic effect and are excellent for the nerves.
    Certain vegetables are highly beneficial in the treatment of various diseases. Carrots are good for the blood. White crisp juicy stalks of celery serve a much better medicine in case of rheumatism or nervous dyspepsia than any nerviness that relieves nerve disorder. A dish of spinach or dandelion will be beneficial in the treatment of kidney troubles. Lettuce can be used as a food remedy for insomnia. Onion can be used with advantage in the treatment of cough, cold, influenza, constipation, scurvy and hydrophobia.  Garlic can be beneficially used in heart diseases, hypertension, hypoglycemia, diabetes and even in fatal form of meningitis It has been effectively used in lowering blood cholesterol and preventing blood clotting.
    Gastro-Intestinal Disorders
    Fibres in vegetables act as the mechanical intestinal expanders draw more water.and proteins in them and help easy expulsion of the waste in the form of stool. Fibres in the form of cellulose help the elimination of cholesterol Beet root, cabbage, carrots, cucumbers, green peas and beans are specially valuable in this. They are useful in case of arteriosclerosis, high blood pressure and constipation. But when there is inflammation in this intestines, vegetables having less cellulose content such as tomatoes, lettuce, potatoes and vegetable juices should be taken.
    Pectin found in vegetables such as brinjal, radish, pumpkin and beet root absorb water, kill certain bacteria and toxins and eliminate them from the body. Garlic, onion, radish and mint contain pectin as well as antimicrobic qualities.
    Blood Disorder
    Vegetables also supply trace elements which are necessary for the human organism. Iodine, for instance, is essential for thyroid hormone which regulates much physical and mental activities, cobalt for increasing the number of blood corpuscles, and zinc for proper growth

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